Credit Counseling: Is This a Good Way to Get Out of Debt?

Credit Counseling: Is This a Good Way to Get Out of Debt?

Almost every single person in this country is in debt. In fact, there are many people that aren’t even American citizens that owe some form of debt in this country. With Coronavirus causing more people to live off of borrowed money, consumer debt is well over $14 Trillion (with a T!)

Some people are able to pay this debt off properly. Some people struggle but they manage to get by. But what about people who simply cannot pay their debts at all? Well, for them, there are a few options.

Improve Your Credit Score: Avoid These 16 Common Mistakes

Improve Your Credit Score: Avoid These 16 Common Mistakes

These days consumer lending is a way of life. Your credit score will directly affect whether or not you can get a loan and what interest rate you will pay for borrowing that money. Credit scores can also affect many other aspects of your life:

Some property managers won’t let you move in without a credit check
You can’t work at certain jobs if you have poor credit

Credit Card Debt & Credit Scores: Improve Both To Improve Your Life

Credit Card Debt & Credit Scores: Improve Both To Improve Your Life

A majority of Americans’ credit scores are impacted by credit card debt. Why is this true? Well, 189 million Americans have credit cards. And a HUGE majority of those cards are in use right now.

In fact, the average credit card debt per household is around $9,000 as of the last count. However, those calculations were before Covid-19 which likely has many people living on borrowed money at the moment.