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When it comes to making money, your mind is very much involved as well as business strategies. We can even say that the mind is the most important of them all. This is why it is important to have positive thoughts about money.
How often have you found yourself having to complete a task but falling short just because you don’t have the will to? Many times right?
This is because your mind plays a very essential role in the failure or success of a goal.
The same applies to money-making. Your state of mind is fundamental to attaining financial success.
In one of our previous discussions, we talk about how negative money mindsets can limit your financial breakthrough.
In this article, we are going to talk about how positive thoughts about money can put you not just one step, but two steps closer to your financial breakthrough.

What are Positive Money Mindsets?
Positive money mindsets are thoughts that you have about money that make it very natural for you to make it. Those thoughts make up your personality and create a healthy money-making lifestyle.
This is why we sometimes find people who just make money easily. I’m not talking about people who find luck or people in privileged positions. I’m talking about people that you know of their humble beginning, and you keep witnessing how easy they make and control money.
It’s almost like you could tell from an earlier stage when they had nothing, that they would be rich.
What is special about these people? It’s their perception of money. You see it all the time when they speak about money. They are always having these ideas that regular people don’t have. And they are always good at pointing out opportunities that not everyone sees. The secrete lies in their thinking and the way they perceive money.
In the next part of this article, we’re going to look into the minds of money-minded people, and reveal those thoughts that make them stand out.
3 Positive Thoughts about Money that Rich People Have
1. They Are Not Afraid To Dream Big
People with a positive money mindset are not shy of dreaming big. Not one bit. This is because they have this personal belief that they can control or influence circumstances surrounding their lives.
They have very little or no belief in fate. They only have faith. Faith to set out goals and accomplish them. They don’t see limits, they only see barriers—barriers that might stand in their way to success. And like any barrier, they aim to want to cross it, and they most often do.
2. They Believe Money is a very Vital Part of our Life
More than anything, people with positive thoughts about money are more than aware of its significance. To be honest, money controls and dictates everything. The basic things of life like food, shelter, and clothing are gotten with money. The good and luxurious things of life require money. Nothing is free. Even in the establishment, and promotion of religious bodies, money is required.
People with negative mindsets towards money don’t see this. They see money as something evil or corrupting. “Money is the root of all evil,” they say. Well, it’s true money has been one of the major motives why people commit crimes. But money doesn’t have a soul, and it is the heart of those people that is corrupt, not the money.
3. They Are Not Comfortable Settling for an Average Life
They say human wants are insatiable. This is true but it also depends on the context you use it.
The basic needs of humans are food, shelter, and clothing. When we have these needs, our ‘hunger’ naturally suppresses, and most of us become comfortable as a result. This is what makes so many people comfortable with a mediocre financial life.
But this false delusion of stability is easily exposed when a mini-financial crisis strikes. This crisis can come in the form of an emergency hospital bill, accidental loss of property, loss of job, or even a natural disaster like the covid-19 pandemic.
People with positive thoughts about money tend to be insatiable when it comes to pursuing money. They not only make money for their current needs but also to upgrade the quality of their lives, to save, and simply just to have more than enough of it.
5 Steps to Cultivating Positive Money Mindsets
Positive money mindsets can be developed, and here are steps to help you develop positive thoughts about money
Step 1: Let Go of Past Money Mistakes
Financial mistakes can be costly, as a result, it tends to stay longer in our memories. These memories tend to become traumatic and reduce our confidence in our financial prowess.
If you want to fulfill your journey to your financial pinnacle, you definitely can’t afford to dwell on your past money mistakes. You can only learn from them. Take the valuable lessons you need, and let go of the pain and disappointments.
Step 2: Eliminate Poverty Mindset
In other to have a healthy relationship with money, you have to remove the mindset of lack. Those mindsets that make you believe you cannot be rich, or you’re destined to be poor, or you cannot make huge money, etc.
Any mindset that seems to limit you is a poverty mindset. Instead, have the mindsets of abundance. Think big and think rich. Don’t go about life thinking that they are some luxury that you need but you will never be able to afford.
Step 3: Think Rich
To think rich is to think you can have it all when you don’t have it all. Don’t feel like there are things you need that are beyond your having. Always believe that you can get anything you really want.
When you start having these mindsets, you will realize that you begin to look out for solutions. Instead of thinking “I can’t do this”, think “How can I do this”. You’ll begin to notice a big change in your life.
Step 4: Think Only Positive Thoughts about Money
Think positively about money. Think of it as something you have control over. Think of it as something that you can make any time you want. Think of it as a servant—a servant that is under your command. Think of it as something you are meant to have in abundance.
Think of yourself being so rich that you can take care of the needs of others, and help a lot of people. Think of money as something that you don’t have a problem with. Don’t get worried about money, think of it as something you have access to.
Once again, think “How can I do this?” Instead of “I don’t think I can do this”.
Step 5: Express Gratitude
Express gratitude over life. Appreciate the little things you have before you set out looking out for more. Be content with what you have. You are more valuable than material possession.
Appreciate the little your parents, friends, and spouse can give you. Never forget that they are giving you their very best. Appreciate any gift you receive from people, and don’t feel like they are entitled to serve you.
In your pursuit of money, never compromise the valuable things of life such as love, family, and service or selflessness to humanity. Money is not a substitute for these things, it is only a boost.
The Power of Positive Thinking and Confessions
Like it or not, the alluring power of the mind is a fact that has been well researched and established. A man is a product of his thoughts, and confessions are ways one can chart the course of his or her life.
We might not realize this but we have the power to shape our worlds. That power lies in the tongue. You are what you say you are.
To achieve your financial freedom, you not only need the power of a positive mindset but also, positive talking. They are not different from each other because they work hand in hand. Because obviously, we only speak out of the abundance of our hearts, as stated by the bible.
Below are 10 positive statements about money that you should meditate on and confess to yourself often.
10 Positive Thoughts about Money You should meditate and confess
- I am Rich.
- I have Money.
- I find it easy to Make Money.
- Money comes to me freely.
- I don’t waste money, and always know what to do with it.
- Money is a tool I control, and money doesn’t control me.
- I am never afraid or ashamed to look at my bank balance.
- I don’t borrow because I never have the need to.
- I have more than enough for myself, and for my Family.
- I am a free giver.
Closing Remarks
We’ve reached the end of this article. But we have other publications to help you further in your journey to building your financial empire.
Check out these other publications in the link below:
Negative Thoughts about Money
Money Mindsets – The Secrete of Understanding the Power that Controls Money